Hostile Work Environment

As an employee or a student, you have a right to work or study in an environment that is free of discrimination, intimidation, insult and ridicule. You may be able to file a hostile work environment claim in court if the harassment you experienced unreasonably interfered with your work performance or created an offensive or intimidating work environment. In order to have a claim for hostile work environment, generally, you must be able to prove that there was more than a single incident of harassment. However, an extremely severe single incident of harassment (such as a sexual assault or rape) may be enough for a lawsuit. Unless the conduct is quite severe, a single incident or isolated incidents of offensive sexual conduct or remarks generally will be inadequate to prove the existence of a "hostile environment."

For a free consultation with an experienced employee rights attorney, contact David Spivak:

  • Email
  • Call toll free (877) 277-2950
  • Visit The Spivak Law Firm, 16530 Ventura Boulevard Suite 312 Encino, CA 91436
  • Fax (310) 499-4739

For further information on your rights in the work place, please visit our other websites:

Wrongful termination
Sexual harassment
Unpaid wages and overtime
Family and medical leave
Pregnancy discrimination
Disability discrimination
Age discrimination
Employee Rights Blog CaliforniaEmployeeRightsAttorney.

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